Friday, November 20, 2015


Quite often we hear from individuals who are still working, but struggling, and considering Social Security disability benefits.  Here are some "must knows" if you are still working and thinking about a disability claim:

First, there is no disability benefit available from Social Security if you are working and earning more than $1,260 per month (the 2020 number). You must have stopped working to apply--or at least be earning less than $1,260 per month if working part-time.

Second, Social Security does not pay a benefit for the first full 5 months of disability.  At a minimum, you must be prepared for at least 6 months of no income after you stop working.  Getting approved within 6 months is, honestly, pretty much of a miracle.  It often takes much longer.

Third, not being able to perform your past work is not enough, in most cases, to qualify for Social Security disability benefits.  If you are under age 50, Social Security will look at your ability to perform other work, including jobs that are unskilled, sedentary and simple, routine jobs.   
Finally, you must be able to prove you have functional limitations that prevent you from working with significant medical evidence, preferably from your treating doctor(s), and preferably one of those doctors will be a specialist.

Social Security disability today is a hard row to hoe.  If you are working, I would encourage you to continue working as long as possible.  When you come to the point where you can no longer work because of medical reasons, only then is it time to apply for Social Security disability.

If you need our help with getting benefits, please call for a free consultation at no obligation.

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