Saturday, March 26, 2016


If you stopped working more than 5 years ago, you do not have coverage for disability with the Social Security Administration.

You need to have recent work to be eligible for disability benefits.  You must have worked at least 20 out of the last 40 quarters, or more simply put, you must have worked 5 out of the last 10 years.

If you stopped working at a job that pays FICA tax more than 5 years ago, you will not be able to get disability benefits, no matter how much you paid into the system.  That money remains in the trust fund (pool) until you reach retirement age.

Your Date Last Insured (DLI) is the date you stopped being insured for disability claims with Social Security.  If a disability begins after the DLI, it is not covered.  This is one more good reason not to delay in filing a claim as soon as you feel you have become disabled.

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