Sunday, January 26, 2020


It may be time for you to apply for Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI).  The government may pay you a monthly benefit for the disability which prevents you from working.

There are 3 things you should do before applying for disability:

1.  Check Your Earnings History.  Most individuals need at least five years of recent work history (within the past ten years) to be eligible for SSDI.  If you don't have the required work history, your benefits are at risk even before you apply.

2.  Talk to Your Doctor.  You will need strong medical evidence to support your claim that you're unable to work.  Your doctor can help you by placing detailed information in your medical charts.  Each time you go to the doctor, tell him or her that you are thinking of filing for disability and tell them why.

3.  Check with a Social Security Disability Attorney.  You may or may not decide to hire an attorney/representative right now.  However, the information you can gather with a free phone call may be invaluable and help you avoid costly and time killing mistakes. Be sure to choose a representative who is knowledgeable and experienced in Social Security disability; not everyone is.

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