Friday, January 24, 2020


A disability hearing is a fact finding venture designed to help the administrative law judge make a fair, new decision on your request for benefits, which has been denied previously.

The judge's questions will focus on 5 areas:

1.  Personal Information
2.  Work History
3.  Medical History
4.  Medical Treatment
5.  Daily Activities

As for daily activities, here are some things the judge will probably ask:

  • How do you spend an average day?
  • Do you have any hobbies?
  • Are you able to dress and bathe yourself?
  • Do you prepare your own meals?  If not, who does?
  • Do you take care of your child(ren)?
  • Can you shop?   Clean your house or apartment?  Do your laundry?
  • Are you able to climb stairs?
  • How long can you sit?  Stand?  Walk?
  • Any problem with kneeling or stooping?
  • Do you drive?
  • Have you taken an out of town vacation in the last 2 years?  Where?
  • Do you smoke or drink?
  • Have you ever used any street drugs or recreational drugs?
  • Are you able to read and do simple adding and subtracting?  Make change?
  • Have you looked for any work since your last job?  Why not?
Keep in mind that the judge usually knows the answers to questions before he asks.  It is absolutely imperative that you answer truthfully and without evasion.  

One of the most important things you can achieve at your hearing is to come across with credibility.  That is, the judge feels that he can believe what you have said.

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