Tuesday, January 28, 2020


"Those who eventually win disability benefits from Social Security are those who never ever, ever, ever give up...!

The usual course of disability cases these days is at least two denials, a hearing, and then perhaps--victory.

The initial Application results in denial about 75 percent of the time.  Appeal.

The "Reconsideration" process results in denial about 98 percent of the time in Alabama.  Appeal.

The Hearing will be successful about 45 percent of the time in Alabama.

Social Security depends on hearings by Administrative Law Judges to correct oversights and mistakes made by decision makers in the earlier processes.  If you fail to appeal, you are not giving the system the chance it needs to correct its faults and give you a just verdict.

I speak to hundreds of persons on the phone each month.  I am amazed at the folks who get denied then file a new application, get denied, then file a new application....  This doesn't give the system the chance it needs to correct itself in the appeal process.

If you have been denied Social Security disability benefits within the past 60 days, do yourself a huge favor:  call an experienced attorney or advocate and talk about appealing your case in the most favorable way possible.  It could be the best call of your entire life.  What's more, it will most likely be a free call - because you cannot be charged for this call.

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