Friday, February 14, 2020


"You may be disabled but unable to prove it."

Social Security has made it hard to get disability benefits.  Here are 3 things you can do to improve your chances.

1.  Make Sure Your Medical Information is Accurate and Up to Date.

Social Security will only consider data from the medical providers you list on your application.  They won't go fishing for information on their own.  So, be sure to list every medical provider you have seen within 2 years prior to filing the application.  Provide their correct names, mailing addresses and telephone numbers.  Also, list every medical condition you have, whether or not you feel it is severe.  Decisions are made on medical information, so be sure it is complete.  If you begin seeing a new doctor or have special tests made after you submit your application, notify Social Security about that immediately.

2.  Get Your Doctor to Provide Specific Functional Limitations.

It doesn't help to get a general statement from your doctor.  A statement like, "This patient is disabled and cannot possibly work," is of no help.  Your doctor needs to provide detailed and specific limitations on your ability to function.  What are the specific limits on your ability to sit, stand, walk, lift, push/pull, reach, bend, kneel, etc.?  It will help to give your doctor a form that asks for each of these limitations and have the doctor fill it out.

3.  Get Effective Representation.

Social Security disability is a complicated matter.  There are rules that lawyers struggle to understand.  And you will probably have to deal with a judge and vocational witnesses before you get approved.  "Going it alone," without representation ties your hands behind your back and puts you at a real disadvantage.  You may be disabled but not able to prove it.  An advocate or attorney cannot charge you any fee unless you win and also collect back payments from Social Security.  There is never an upfront cost for legal fees.  Social Security will settle up with the attorney after you have won your case.

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