Saturday, February 15, 2020


Are you one of those persons who just loves to share the details of your personal life with everyone on Facebook or Twitter?

It may hurt you if you're getting Social Security disability or trying to.

The New York Times reports that Uncle Sam is taking an increased interest in what those receiving "federal assistance" are posting to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media accounts.  What you post on social media is increasingly making it into the courtroom.

The US Congress has gone on record as openly encouraging the Social Security Administration to look at an applicant's social media accounts before awarding disability benefits.  It's legal, it's encouraged, and it is being done!

Here is the best advice we can give you:  Never post anything on social media that you would not be comfortable discussing in a Social Security disability hearing before a judge.  

It's not just alcohol, drug use, gambling, partying or getting a ticket or fine that may hurt you.  It can also be a vacation, a fishing trip, playing with the grand kids, winning a bowling tournament or coaching the little league team. A judge may cite evidence he sees on Facebook to argue that you are not as disabled as you say you are.

The problem is that what you post on social media is up for interpretation.  One picture is worth a thousand words; however, those thousands words can be whatever someone wants to make them.  

Of course, if you are disabled, suddenly away from work and homebound for weeks on end, you turn to social media.  It may be the only social thing you are able to do.  Sadly, the government seems to be targeting what has become the only communications lifeline for disabled adults.

But we know that critics of Social Security, the politicians and the media, continue to harp on fraud in their attempts to reduce disability benefits.  

It's not a friendly environment today for individuals on disability or those trying to get disability.  Almost nothing is off limits and we recommend that you be aware.  

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