Saturday, February 15, 2020


Are you allowed to receive unemployment benefits and Social Security disability at the same time?

I don't know of any law that says you can't.  However, I know several judges who think you can't or shouldn't.  Many judges will say frankly that they feel it is wrong to get both unemployment and SSDI at the same time.  Many of them will not approve SSDI benefits during periods in which the claimant received unemployment money.

To get unemployment benefits, an individual must certify that he/she is able to work, available for work and looking for work.  This statement, if taken as true, disqualifies the person for SSDI, which is intended for persons who are NOT able to work.

So, unemployment and SSDI are really very different programs for individuals in very different situations.  Unemployment is for persons who are able to work but are between jobs.  It provides temporary payments while a person looks for another job.  If a person is disabled, he is not eligible for unemployment benefits. On the other hand, SSDI is for persons who are not able to work due to a physical and/or mental impairment.  If able to work, he is not eligible for SSDI benefits.

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