Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Will your condition meet the requirements to get Social Security disability (SSDI)?

There are two very simple tests that give you a pretty good idea:

1.  Is your condition so severe that it prevents you from working even a simple, minimum wage job?

2.  Has your condition lasted or is it expected to last at least 12 straight months or to end in death?

If you answered YES to both these questions, you should certainly explore a disability claim with Social Security.

Here are a few additional conditions before you file a claim:

  • You cannot be working now and earning wages of at least $1,260 per month (gross).
  • You must have worked enough to have minimum work credits.  For most people that means you have worked at least 5 years out of the previous 10 years.
  • You will need medical proof of your disabling medical condition.
My firm will provide you with a free, no obligation case evaluation to help you sort out the disability process.  If you have a good claim we may be able to help file your applications and all the paperwork (at no upfront cost).

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