Saturday, February 15, 2020


Several things can hurt your chances of winning Social Security disability.  No current treatment with a doctor is high on the list because it results in no medical evidence to prove the case.

However, I think there is one thing even worse.  That is working while applying for disability benefits.

Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) is intended to be a safety net for individuals who become disabled.  The very definition of disability is being unable to work.  

Nothing proves that you are able to work like working.

Also, federal regulations do not permit Social Security to pay a claimant who is currently involved in substantial gainful activity.  So, if you're working and earning at least $1,260 (2020 amount), you can't get SSDI benefits, regardless of how sick or impaired you are.

Working and earning less than $1,260 per month will not technically disqualify a claimant.  However, judges will consider whether part-time work is evidence that the claimant may be able to perform more substantial work.  It can still hurt the case.

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